Do you need some inspirational travel quotes to motivate you to book future trips? Or do you need some travel quotes for your latest Instagram picture? Here is a consolidated list of my favorite 10 Inspirational Travel Quotes to Motivate You for 2022.

If you’re like me you spend more time dreaming and thinking about traveling than actually traveling due to other obligations like work. This can sometimes be discouraging dreaming more than doing, but no worries – I’ve created this blog to keep you inspired with a few of my favorite inspirational travel quotes to keep you going.
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My Top 10 Inspirational Travel Quotes
"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer"

I love this quote so much! Personally, I’ve spent quite a lot of money in the past on all of my trips, but I truly wouldn’t do anything different (okay, maybe a few less shopping trips). But, for the most part, I truly believe every dollar spent was worth it and has added value to my life in more than one way.
"To travel is to live"

To travel is to live is such a great motto to inspire a life full of travel. Some of my greatest memories so far in my life involve trips I’ve taken or places I’ve lived and I honestly couldn’t imagine my life if it wasn’t for travel.
"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow"

100% agree with this quote. Wherever you go definitely becomes a part of you. Each trip truly shapes us through visiting different countries and learning about different cultures affects you even in ways you might not realize.
"Traveling allows you to become so many different versions of yourself"

Every trip I take I return not only with memories, but even new outlooks on life. Traveling has personally made me grow as person that without those experiences I wouldn’t be who I am today.
"Take only memories, leave only footprints"

Next, the classic, green thumb, eco-friendly travel quote to live by: Take only memories, leave only footprints. AKA don’t take items that belong to these places and don’t leave your trash behind… enough said.
"Travel - the best way to be lost and found at the same time"

When I’ve taken some of my biggest trips I myself didn’t exactly know who I was or what I was “looking for” and sometimes actually physically lost in a new city. At the same time you find yourself though traveling through new growth opportunities as an individual.
"Not all those who wander are lost"

Some may view traveling as for those single people in their 20s with no direction in life (hi, that was me!), but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are lost! Traveling should be for anyone and doesn’t mean those who live a nomadic lifestyle don’t live their lives with a purpose the same way one might at home with their family.
"Once a year, go some place you've never been before"

This quote is something that is always on my goals list for the New Year. Every year I try to visit at least 1 new domestic place and 1 new international place. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your life at home or work, so it’s important to remember to travel to new places and give yourself the opportunity to experience new things.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"

I know this quote to be 100% true to myself. For some reason at 22 years old I decided to move to Barcelona, Spain by myself, totally out of my comfort zone, and it was the best decision of my life! I look back on some of the best times of my life and I think, how crazy was I just move to a new country without knowing anyone. Out of my comfort zone for sure.
"The world is a book and those who don't travel only read one page"

And finally, our last inspirational travel quote. The world is so big and there is so much to see. If you don’t leave your home it is much like reading one page of a novel. Not everyone has the means to travel the world and visit extravagant international locations, but even traveling through your own country or even state is enough to see and learn things away from home.
With that being said, these are my top 10 favorite inspirational travel quotes. They keep me motivated and inspired when the only thing I can do at the moment is dream of future trips. What is your favorite inspirational travel quote? Leave it in the comments below!
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Interested in the camera gear I use while traveling to capture my pictures?
- Camera: Canon EOS M50 with EF-M 15-45mm lense
- Small tripod: Fotopro Flexible Tripod
- Large tripod: Phopik 77”
- Memory cards: SanDisk 128GB
- Extra batteries: BM Premium batteries
- Camera bag: Bagsmart backpack