The most important aspect of traveling is money! Choosing which credit card is right for you is super important and can really make a difference when traveling. It can save you money on travel insurance or allow you to make money while spending it, or at least not cost you more money than it should with things like foreign transaction fees. This blog are what I find to be The Best Credit Cards for Traveling with Valuable Rewards that I personally use!

I am strictly talking about credit cards here. Credit cards are mainly what I use no matter where I travel. I always keep some cash on me incase of emergencies, but if I have a choice, I’m swiping my credit card.
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The biggest pro of using credit cards when traveling is safety. If unfortunately someone gets ahold of your bank information your credit card can be easily frozen and it’s a lot easier to reject fraudulent charges or stop them before they even come in. With debit cards, once that moneys gone, it’s gone, and it can be a BIG headache trying to get it back.
Another pro to using credit cards is the rewards. I honestly don’t even know if there are any credit cards out there that offer you nothing in return, but if you do have a credit card that doesn’t give you anything, please look at some options! There are lots of credit cards that will offer you points, dollars, or miles for the money you are spending.
Some of my favorite cards that I use all the time – especially traveling – are the Capital One Quicksilver card, the Capital One Venture card, and the Capital One SavorOne card. It seems I’m a bit brand loyal to a certain bank… These cards are just normal credit cards. I personally don’t really like getting airline brand cards because I don’t commit to one airline when traveling and I don’t want to be limited to with my rewards either.
Best Credit Cards for Traveling
Capital One Quicksilver Credit Card
My favorite credit card, the Quicksilver! There are multiple levels of the Quicksilver card relevant to your credit score, this post will be referring to the card with the highest credit level of “excellent”.
- You can earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase.
- NO foreign transaction fees (yes, some credit cards charge you 3% on top of your purchase if you’re outside your country)
- NO annual fee
Bonus! If you spend $500 within the first 3 months you earn $200 in rewards! Easiest $200 I’ve ever made.
My favorite thing about this card are the travel perks! If you purchase your travel fare with this card, it automatically comes with travel accident insurance! Under it’s terms if you lose your luggage, have to cancel a trip, or even worse… you can be covered.
There is also a phone number on the back for concierge service in things like travel. And 24-hour travel assistance services so if your card is loss/stolen, you’ll get a card replacement and a cash advance.
Like what you’re hearing? Check out my referral link to learn more about the Quicksilver card and if it’s the right fit for you!
Capital One Venture Credit Card
The Capital One Venture card is another great credit card for traveling and it also requires a credit level of “excellent”.
- You can earn unlimited 2x miles for every $1 spent.
- NO foreign transaction fees
- Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA Pre-check
- It’s a metal card!
Bonus! If you spend $3,000 within the first 3 months you can earn 60,000 miles! Not as easy as the Quicksilver, but definitely not impossible.
The Venture card also comes with the travel accident insurance with the purchase of your fare and 24-hour travel assistance services like the Quicksilver. You can also transfer your miles to multiple travel loyalty programs partnered with Capital One to give you more flexibility.
The one down side of this card is they do charge you a $95 annual fee. There is also a VentureOne card where you can earn 1.25x miles with no annual fee if that better fits you.
Learn more about the Capital One Venture card at my referral link and apply!
Capital One SavorOne Credit Card
Last, but not least is the Capital One SavorOne credit card. My parents use this card and it is equally as great as the two I use! Also, once again for a credit level of “excellent”, but the Savor does offer other levels for other credit scores.
- You can earn unlimited 3% cash back on dining and entertainment, 2% grocery stores (excluding superstores like Walmart & Target, lame) and 1% on everything else!
- NO foreign fees
- NO annual fee
Bonus! If you spend $500 within the first 3 months you earn $200 in rewards! Just like the Quicksilver.
Similar to the other cards listed the SavorOne comes with travel accident insurance, concierge service, and 24-hour travel assistance services.
Check out this card using my referral link and apply if it’s the right fit for you!
Obviously there are more things to consider when applying for credit cards, possibly interest rates or transfer fees (personal tip, pay it off every month and you don’t have to worry about interest rates). I personally love using these cards and find them some of the best credit cards for traveling that aren’t directly under a certain brand. Just make sure to compare your options and know why you are signing yourself up for. What is your favorite travel credit card? Leave it below in the comments!
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