Beauty products are in! Always! But now, eco-friendly and reusable products are thriving and an essential. Shop my Top 5 Eco-friendly Beauty tools you have to have! Whether you need some eco-friendly tools for traveling or to keep in your stash at home, don’t miss these products!
I am a huge fan of the eco-friendly and reusable products that the world is shifting to. It is so great to see new brands emerging that are better for you and the environment! After watching one or two documentaries on the plastic problem our world is facing you begin to see problems everywhere. But, with problems, you also see new solutions!
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Top 5 Eco-friendly Beauty Tools you have to have!
These cotton rounds are amazing! I actually bought these for my mom for Christmas last year and she loves them. It can be pretty wasteful using multiple cotton pads a night when taking off makeup, but these you can use endlessly! This particular item comes in a pack of 16 and comes with a mesh bag that you can put your used ones in and throw the whole thing in the wash. The best part is they are under $10, so you can save the environment and your bank account!
Would a bamboo toothbrush be considered a beauty tool? It’s definitely a necessity, so here it goes! As the annoying eco-friendly person I am, these toothbrushes were part of my family’s Christmas present as well – don’t worry, I did get them other things. These are the first bamboo toothbrushes I have ever tried, and I have no complaints! I found it just like a normal toothbrush, while my mom did have some time to adjust. My only tip with these is to rub them under water first before you use them in case there are any loose bristles.
Bonus! They are cheaper than normal toothbrushes!
A body brush is great for exfoliating and massaging and it’s such a simple and easy decision to make it plastic free! What I love about this dry brush is that it’s on a long handle, but you can also slide it off to have a hand held brush. There are so many listed benefits to having a dry brush and for only $13 it’s the perfect tool to add to your eco-friendly beauty tools.
I just ordered one of these and I am so excited to get it – a reusable silicone q-tip! This one is a little over $10, comes in different colors, and a storage case! You can use them to clean your ears and makeup touch ups.
My last eco-friendly beauty tool you have to have is a good set of bamboo makeup brushes. Nearly everyone has a set of makeup brushes, so all it takes is one conscious decision to purchase a set that is eco-friendly. For less than $10 you can get a set of EcoTools makeup brushes that comes with your basic makeup brush set.
Like I said, I am a huge fan of eco-friendly products and these are only my top 5 eco-friendly beauty tools. I would love to hear any recommendations you might have! Which eco-friendly beauty tool are you most eager to try? Leave it in the comments below!
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